Tellspec’s CEO Isabel Hoffmann talks at TED Global in 2014 outlining the vision behind Tellspec and showing the first working sensor prototype for food safety detection like melamine in baby formula.
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Optical Characterization of Materials
On page 13 of this booklet you can read Tellspec scientific publication entitled “Simultaneous detection of melamine and urea in gluten with a handheld NIR scanner” written by Z. Kovacs, G. Bazar, B. Darvish, F. Nieuwenhuijs and I. Hoffmann.
This study was presented at the OCM 2017 conference on the Optical Characterization of Materials, March 2017, organized by the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, Germany.
Detection of beef aging combined with the differentiation of tenderloin and sirloin using a handheld NIR scanner
Bazar, G., Kovacs, Z., Hoffmann, I. (2017): Detection of beef aging combined with the differentiation of tenderloin and sirloin using a handheld NIR scanner.
In: OCM 2017: 3rd International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials (ed: Beyerer, J., Leon, P.L., Längle, T.; KIT Scientific Publishing, Germany), 22-23 March, Karlsruhe, Germany. 25-32.
Simultaneous detection of melamine and urea in gluten with a handheld NIR scanner
Kovacs, Z., Bazar, G., Darvish, B., Nieuwenhuijs, F., Hoffmann, I. (2017): Simultaneous detection of melamine and urea in gluten with a handheld NIR scanner.
In: OCM 2017: 3rd International Conference on Optical Characterization of Materials (ed: Beyerer, J., Leon, P.L., Längle, T.; KIT Scientific Publishing, Germany), 22-23 March, Karlsruhe, Germany. 13-23.
Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of powdered meat using a handheld NIR food scanner
Bázár, Gy., Kovács, Z., Pintér, Zs., Darvish, B., Hoffmann, I. (2016): Qualitative and quantitative evaluation of powdered meat using a handheld NIR food scanner.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering (ed: Zsum-Moha, V., Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science) , 8 December, Budapest, Hungary, E141.
Testing the ability of a handheld food scanner to predict primary nutrients in model mixtures
Bázár, Gy., Kovács, Z., Pintér, Zs., Darvish, B., Hoffmann, I. (2016): Testing the ability of a handheld food scanner to predict primary nutrients in model mixtures.
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Biosystems and Food Engineering (ed: Zsum-Moha, V., Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science) , 8 December, Budapest, Hungary, E105.
Future is here: your pocket laboratory that can give information about your food
Hoffmann, I., Bazar, G. (2017): Future is here: your pocket laboratory that can give information about your food. RMagazine, 17 March